3600 Keyboard - Bottom Right
Close up of Bottom Right keys of the Symbolics 3600 keyboard

Symbolics keyboard logo
Close-up of the logo from a Symbolics 3600 keyboard, at the top left

3600 Keyboard - bottom left
Close up of the bottom left of the Symbolics 3600 keys

XL1201 Backplane - Top
This shows the top part of the XL1201 VMEbus backplane with the various connections.
Gray: SCSI Blue: ESDI? MFM? ST-506? Molex 4-pin drive power
The 2 black and 2 red are the main power supply. The other 4-pin power connector is... I don't know.
FEPfs 28M Blocks
Showing a 28M block FEPfs installed on a size-limited ST336918N. Size was limited with sg_format --resize --count=28000000
Copy LMFS 4
This initial attempt to copy the 1,000,000 block (but 0 length) LMFS failed and needed to be ABORTed. Note the BAND-TRANSFER error.
FEP Formatted 34G Drive
Showing the machine configuration with a Seagate ST336918N formatted to its maximum size and with an otherwise empty FEP filesystem created.
Clean Genera FEP Files 3
Here are the FEP files in the tests directory on the clean Genera 8.3 disk from DKS
Symbolics 3600 Keyboard Repair
When purchased, the Symbolics 3600 keyboard had five keys that didn't work reliably. These pictures document the before, after, and repair.

Symbolics console logo - 1
Detail of the Symbolics logo on the Consoleo

Symbolics console logo - 2
Another detail of the Symbolics logo on the console, with glare from the macro ring flash

XL1201 Backplane SCSI Connector
The XL1201 Backplane's SCSI connector has one broken SCSI pin (#1, a ground) and a broken left side. It seems to work adequately due to having many ground pins.

Power Supply Trim Pots
Symbolics Console Model PE36-PCONS: trim pots on the power supply

Console G2
Symbolics Console Model PE36-PCONS Large Adjustment - G2 (Brightness?)

Console Focus
Symbolics Console Model PE36-PCONS Focus Adjustment

Vertical Adjustments
Symbolics Console Model PE36-PCONS Vertical Adjustments

Console Horizontal Controls
Symbolics Console Model PE36-PCONS Horizontal Adjustments