In preparation of doing some actual software engineering on Genera, I decided to take a look at the CLIM implementation on my MacIvory III Genera 8.3.
There are a few steps to do first:
Load System CLIM
: This will take a while. It loads a lot of files and several subsystems, including:Loading system CLIM version 66
Initializing subsystem CLIM Utilities
Initializing subsystem CLIM Silica
Initializing subsystem CLIM Standalone
Initializing system CLIM version 66
Loading patches for system CLIM version 66
Patches for CLIM (Current version is 66.3):
- If you attempt to use CLIM at this point, however, it won't work because there is no driver (in my parlance only, I'm not sure the official term). The example code will fail:
Error: Cannot find port type: :GENERA
Load System Genera-CLIM
will install the remaining parts
This whole process takes probably 15+ minutes of compiling and crunching, so you might want to save the world and restart after this (although I didn't do this yet).
Oddly enough, at this point, I figured I'd read the CLIM documentation online in the Document Examiner
, but alas, it doesn't seem to have it there even if I ask it to show candidates.
Anyway, as usual, Bitsavers has the docs so I decided to follow along with the tutorial to run the puzzle-1.lisp
example. (Reproduced at the end.)
To back up one step, let me mention how I have my development environment set up. I have the MacIvory III configured in a Mac Quadra 950 running Mac OS 8 with a SuperMac Thunder II GX running on a Dell 2007FP LCD, but unfortunately only running at 1360x1024 (since I don't have a monitor which can do 1600x1200 at 75Hz on VGA). I couldn't get my second Ethernet card to work (due to a bug in the Genera Ethernet control panel under Mac OS 8) so when Genera is running, the Mac is not on the LAN.
I run Genera, and leave it and the Mac running, but I turn off the monitors and lock the Mac's keyboard/mouse. Then I Telnet into Genera, Start X Screen
twice to my iMac, and then Halt Remote Terminal
(which ends the Telnet session). In the X screen, I use my Tenkeyless Enhanced keyboard layout with my custom WASD keyboard.
Back to CLIM. When I first ran the demo:
(setq fp1 (make-application-frame 'fifteen-puzzle-1
:left 200 :right 400 :top 150 :bottom 350))
(run-frame-top-level fp1)
By selecting this and hitting c-sh-E
in Zmacs, nothing happened, although Zmacs kept telling me it was executing the CLIM program. I couldn't figure it out. Furthermore, I couldn't get my nicely mapped ABORT
button to do anything, nor c-ABORT
. (It took me a while to remember to do c-m-ABORT
which worked.) Turns out I had to tell System Preferences in the Mac (OS X.11) to unmap ^F8
from "Move focus to the status menus."
Anyway, I abort and restart the program a few times, both from Zmacs and a Lisp Listener ((clim:run-frame-top-level clim-user::fp1)
). Finally I power on the MacIvory screen running Genera and, voila, the puzzle window is running on the console.
Well, needless to say, I may have to not use CLIM to do my Genera development, because I need (well, want) everything to work over an X screen.
Documentation [Updated]
I searched and found that the CLIM documentation was indeed on my filesystem, at ARGON:>sys>doc>clim>
. I tried Read Private Document
on the various .sab
files, but nothing would show up in Document Examiner.
In there was an attractive looking LISP file, clim-doc.lisp
, that had lots of interesting references to documentation. So I Load File
d it, but no luck.
Then I typed Load System
and, voila, CLIM Documentation
showed up as an available system to load. Actually, it showed up twice (not sure why). I loaded it, and boom, I had my documentation.
- Figure out how to get CLIM to run over CLX, which can be loaded using
Load System CLX-CLIM
Puzzle-1 Source
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-USER; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;;;> *****************************************************************************************
;;;> ** (c) Copyright 1993 Symbolics, Inc. All rights reserved.
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;;;> Symbolics-Lisp (R), Zetalisp (R), Genera (R), Open Genera, Virtual Lisp Machine,
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;;;> *****************************************************************************************
(define-application-frame fifteen-puzzle-1 ()
((pieces :initform (make-array '(4 4) :initial-contents '((1 2 3 4)
(5 6 7 8)
(9 10 11 12)
(13 14 15 0)))))
(:menu-bar nil)
(display :application
:text-style '(:fix :bold :very-large)
:display-function 'draw-the-display
:scroll-bars nil)
(menu :command-menu))
(vertically () display menu))))
;;; this draws the entire display
(defmethod draw-the-display ((application fifteen-puzzle-1) stream)
(with-slots (pieces) application
(dotimes (y 4)
(dotimes (x 4)
(let ((piece (aref pieces y x)))
(if (zerop piece)
(format stream " ")
(format stream "~2D " piece))))
(terpri stream))))
;;; useful macrology - the body will be run with x and y bound to
;;; the coordinates of the empty cell
(defmacro find-empty-piece-and-do ((y x) &body body)
`(block find-empty-piece
(dotimes (,y 4)
(dotimes (,x 4)
(when (zerop (aref pieces ,y ,x))
(return-from find-empty-piece))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (down :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (zerop y))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces (- y 1) x))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (up :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (= y 3))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces (+ y 1) x))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (left :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (= x 3))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces y (+ x 1)))))))
(define-fifteen-puzzle-1-command (right :menu t) ()
(with-slots (pieces) *application-frame*
(find-empty-piece-and-do (y x)
(if (not (zerop x))
(rotatef (aref pieces y x) (aref pieces y (- x 1)))))))
(setq fp1 (make-application-frame 'fifteen-puzzle-1
:left 200 :right 400 :top 150 :bottom 350))
(run-frame-top-level fp1)